ikigai book | ikigai summary | ikigai meaning


ikigai summary

Ikigai is a term used in Japanese culture to describe one's sense of direction or meaning in life. It is thought to be the origin of happiness and fulfillment and is frequently translated as "reason for being." The Japanese word "ikigai" is composed of the letters "iki," which stands for "life," and "gai," which stands for "value" or "benefit."

The idea of ikigai is deeply ingrained in traditional Japanese culture and is linked to the notion of coexisting peacefully with nature and other people. Everyone has an ikigai, according to the theory, and discovering and following one's ikigai results in a happy and fulfilling life.

There are numerous methods for locating one's ikigai. Thinking about what one is passionate about, what one is good at, what the world needs, and what one can get paid for is a common approach. It is believed that by taking these four things into account, one can locate their ikigai at the meeting point of these four circles.

Another method for identifying one's ikigai is to think about what makes one happy and content in life. Spending time with loved ones, partaking in hobbies and creative endeavors, volunteering, and charitable giving are a few examples of what this could entail.

It's crucial to remember that ikigai is not about achieving external objectives or looking for external approval. It is more important to find meaning and purpose in one's own life and to live according to one's own principles.

Although ikigai is frequently connected to Japan, it is a general idea that can be used to describe people from all backgrounds and cultures. It is believed that one can achieve a sense of balance and happiness in life by identifying and following their ikigai. 

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